Weddings at Lykke – Wedding package deal

Lykke Dahlia is perfectly suited for organizing lovely weddings. Thanks to our new wedding package deal, celebrating a wedding at Lykke is easier than ever.
Wedding arrangements often require a little more time than other parties, which is why we have created a wedding package deal that guarantees enough time and an excellent setting to organize a stress-free wedding.
The wedding package deal includes full-day reservations for Friday and Saturday, a short reservation for Sunday morning, and cleaning service. This makes it possible to decorate and prepare the venue for the wedding day on Friday, and to organize, for example, a brunch or a rehearsal dinner among the closest guests. During the reservation on Sunday morning, you can pick up any belongings left in the venue, so that you don't have to worry about this on the night of the event. You don't have to worry about cleaning either, thanks to the cleaning service included in the package.
The wedding package deal is available at Lykke Dahlia for 1200 €.
The contents of the wedding package deal in detail:
Reservation on Friday between 10 am and 5 am
Reservation on Saturday between 10 am and 5 am
Reservation on Sunday from 8 to 10 am
Cleaning service
Tip! With Lykke's wedding package deal, you can also easily organize popular two-day weddings. In this case, there is less time for preparation, but more time for celebrating.